Tuesday, February 19, 2013

To compete in the CF open or not!?!

Many of the athletes in our box at Crossfit Oregon City are excited about this years Crossfit Games Open. Several athletes signed up quickly after the registration opened. A few of these athletes have competed in local CF competitions, many have not.

The last few days I have seen many athletes posting questions on Facebook asking questions like what if they have exercise A? ( Insert any movement you cannot do, or do well). Well they most certainly will have it. This is not a reason not to try.

I realize that while I can do most WODs Rx, I am no where near competitive with some of the athletes that will go on to Regionals or the "Big" games. This is also not a reason to try.

Last year, I competed in the open for the first time. The first weeks WOD was max Burpees in 7 minutes. I figured I might be able to get 90. I did 104 because of the encouragement of my coach Jen Cole Cereghino. As I lay there on my back barely able to breathe she said to me" You really picked it up in the last minute and a half. Great Job"

I was personally proud that I was able to beat my goal.

In the weeks that followed we did a snatch ladder to which I was able to do only 21 of the needed 30 at 135lbs. Then a Wall Ball / Double Under / MuscleUp combo. I finished the150 wall balls ( barely) and because I was still learning them finished only 60 of the 90 DU's. I didn't have to worry about not being able to do a Muscle Up because I never even got that far.

After a couple of weeks, I looked forward to the fact that each week 1 of my WODs score would be posted on the Internet for all to see. That is a great motivator to WORK HARD!

There were some WODs which I did what I considered good (for me) at, and WODs which I felt like I sucked at. Even these left me with a great feeling of satisfaction and self accomplishment.

If your not sure you can do it, TRY. You will be glad you did !

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